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TP-Link MC100CM 10/100M RJ45 to 100M Multi-Mode SC Full Duplex up to 2km Fibre Converter Your Price: £ 19.25 (£ 23.10 inc. VAT) Currently 5 items left in stock
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Order Code: 8TP10010764
MPN Code: MC100CM
The MC100CM is a media converter designed to convert 100BASE-FX fibre to 100Base-TX copper media or vice versa. Designed under IEEE 802.3u 10/100Base-TX and 100Base-FX standards, the MC100CM is designed for use with multi-mode fibre cable utilizing the SC-Type connector. The MC100CM supports longwave (LX) laser specification at a full wire speed forwarding rate. It works at 1310nm on both transmitting and receiving data.