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Rapesco 923/12mm Galvanised Staples (Pack 1000) - 1238 Key Features High quality steel wire with galvanised finish for increased durability All staples have been manufactured with a chisel point for easy insertion 12mm Staples for Rapesco Heavy Duty Staplers using 923 Staples Will also fit Rapid Type 9 and Novus Type 23 Staplers Also compatible with 5 Star and Q-Connect Heavy Duty staplers Your Price: £ 1.00 (£ 1.20 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 29457RA
MPN Code: 1238
High quality 12mm galvanised staples for Rapesco Heavy Duty stapling machines using 923 type staples. Also compatible for use in Swingline Heavy Duty, Rapid Type 9, Rexel Type 23 and Type 66 and Novus Type 23 Staplers. These will also fit 5 Star and Q-Connect heavy duty staplers. Box containing 1000 galvanised staples each in leg length of 12mm.
General Type Staple Size Heavy Duty