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Kensington Premium Cool Gel Seat Cushion Black - K55807WW Key Features Cooling Fabric with Cool-Gel Core provides a certified decrease in body temperature for maximum comfort during extended periods of sitting. Ergonomic Design promotes healthy posture, improves circulation, and relieves spinal pressure. Zero Tailbone Pressure alleviates pressure on your spine using a unique u-shaped coccyx cutout to support sciatica relief by minimizing contact between tailbone and seat cushion. Premium Honeycomb Memory Foam provides durable patent pending structural support. Certified Durability independently verified to maintain thickness, provide ongoing support, and keep seams intact beyond 80,000 uses. Machine-Washable Cover is easy to clean and maintains color wash after wash. Anti-Slip Backing prevents sliding using a high-quality silicone friction grip. Carrying Strap makes it easy to transport between home, office, car and events. Your Price: £ 56.53 (£ 67.84 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 62.78
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Order Code: 11739AC
MPN Code: K55807WW
Innovation, quality, and trust have made Kensington The Professionals´ Choice in ergonomic accessories for more than 20 years. The Kensington Premium Cool-Gel Seat Cushion provides ultimate ergonomic comfort and support for sitting in the office, home or car. Constructed with patent pending materials, and certified for durability, the Premium Cool-Gel Seat Cushion features a durable and supportive ergonomic design that maximizes comfort, promotes healthy posture, and minimizes contact between the tailbone and seat cushion.
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