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Newport 2 Seater Leather Faced Reception Sofa Black - N3562 Key Features Leather faced upholstery Cushioned seat and back Smart wooden feet Your Price: £ 699.63 (£ 839.56 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 2132.44 SAVE: £1432.81
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11822TK
MPN Code: N3562
The Teknik Office Newport Black Leather Faced 2 Seater Sofa is an elegant and simply designed reception armchair upholstered with leather facings appointed and smart wooden feet. It has a comfortable cushioned seat and matching padded backrest, super for relaxing in while you wait. There is no assembly required, perfect for instant use in all receptions and waiting areas. There is also a matching armchair available.
General Material Weight Warranty Type Style Self Assembly Required Seat Width Seat Height Seat Depth Back Height Manufacturer Leg Type Frame Country of Origin Colour Brand Back Width