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Deflecto Unbreakable Literature File A4 Landscape Clear 63201 Key Features Supplied with fixings Made of strong unbreakable plastic, guaranteed not to crack or break Ideal for school books, medical charts, clipboards, ringbinders Crystal clear so you can view what's stored inside without the need to remove items Picked and Packed - Items lovingly stored and dispatched from our UK Warehouse! Your Price: £ 8.16 (£ 9.79 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11849DF
MPN Code: 63201
The unbreakable wall pocket is ideal to store those documents away from your workstation creating a clutter free environment. Perfect for high traffic areas, safe for use in schools, hospitals and crazy sales offices, literally is unbreakable.
General Type Colour Material Form Capacity/Pockets Pocket Size Orientation Suitable For Medical Charts, X-Rays, Clipboards
Material Thickness Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight Warranty