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Deflecto Literature Display Floor Standing Folding 6 Shelves A4 Portrait 36100 Key Features Six double sided shelves allowing you to maximise a small space Folding design ideal for easy transportation and storage Excellent for a number of environments Exhibitions, trade shows, schools, libraries, tourist information stations, health centres Can be used to display a variety of information / documentation, including catalogues, magazines, brochures, etc Size when folded 260x115x410mm (WxHxD) Carry case 450x150x335mm (WxHxD) Picked and Packed - Items lovingly stored and dispatched from our UK Warehouse! Your Price: £ 104.51 (£ 125.41 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11975DF
MPN Code: 36100
This folding floor stand is the perfect display for your A4 sized documentation. It is supplied fully assembled, simple and easy to use and comes with carry case! Easy to erect, sturdy yet light enough to carry in the supplied case.
General Type Colour Material Form Capacity/Pockets Pocket Size Orientation Suitable For Material Thickness Capacity Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight Warranty