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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 10m Active USB 2.0 A to B Cable Key Features Built-in equalizing chip enables USB 2.0 connections spanning 30ft Your Price: £ 17.89 (£ 21.47 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8ST10014537
The USB2HAB30AC 30-foot USB A to B cable features one USB type-A (male) connector and one USB type-B (male) connector, providing a high quality connection to USB 2.0 peripherals. This 30-foot USB cable incorporates an equalizing chip, which enables it to perform beyond the limits of standard USB cables and communicate with peripherals up to 30ft away. Expertly designed with top quality materials for high durability, backed by a 2 Year Warranty.
General Brand Cable Jacket Cable Length Cable Shield Aluminium-Mylar Foil with Braid
Colour Connection 1 Connection 2 Form Manufacturer Type Warranty Weight