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Rhino A1 Flipchart Pad 40 Leaf Plain (Pack 5) - FC1TMP-4 Key Features The RHINO A1 (approx. 800 x 580mm) flip chart pad is big, bold and exciting to work on 40 plain leaves Fit-for-purpose flip chart paper guarantees exceptional readability Pre-punched with 2 holes to fit standard easels and perforated for a quick and neat tear off Help Save the Rhino with our regular donations to the UK charity – over £100,000 since 2006 Market-leading RHINO brand 100% recyclable Printed using solvent-free, water-based inks Paper sourced from sustainable European forests Made in EU Part of the RHINO Office collection Your Price: £ 20.31 (£ 24.37 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 84.04 SAVE: £63.73
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Order Code: 14734VC
MPN Code: FC1TMP-4
Big and spacious, these great quality RHINO A1 flip chart pads come with 40 leaves of plain unruled easel paper. These flip chart pads are the perfect canvas for presentations, for scribbling down the big ideas in a meeting or creating sketches to kick off exciting new projects.
General Manufacturer Weight Warranty Type Size Rulings Ruling Description Plain Or Gridded Perforated Paper Colour Pages Binding Grammage Fixing 2 Holes for Standard UK Easels
Environment Support Eco-Aware Dimensions Cover Material Cover Colour Country of Origin Brand