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Nobo Instant Whiteboard White Gridded Dry Erase Sheets 600x800mm Key Features Reusable electrostatic dry erase film re-positioned easily perforated so it tears into 600 x 800mm flip chart sized sheets quick Simple & Instant temporary whiteboard solution perfect for professional trainers home workers and short term projects Your Price: £ 27.50 (£ 33.00 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 62.32 SAVE: £34.82
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 31776J
MPN Code: 1905157
Instant whiteboard is made for quick, short-term projects at home or in the office. The electrostatic film sticks to any surface and can be repositioned easily leaving no adhesive or residue. The electrostatic film tears into 600x800mm sized sheets.