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Phoenix Data Protection Insert - FSDPI08 Key Features Provides 90 minutes fire protection for computer tapes and digital media when used in the drawer of the FS2250 Series Water resistant seals prevent water damage to contents when cabinet is subjected to sprinklers systems or fire hoses Fitted with a manual compression lock Fits snugly into the drawer, provides for ease of use and ensures maximum protection for your valuable data Light Grey Your Price: £ 330.96 (£ 397.15 inc. VAT) Currently 1 item left in stock
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 57842PH
Phoenix Data Protection Insert FSDPI08 THE PHOENIX DATA PROTECTION INSERT provides the additional protection needed to protect computer media and data tapes against fire, when used inside an existing fire safe.
General Type Colour Material Form Internal Dimensions Lock Type Fire Rating Capacity Waterproof Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight