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Sigel CONCEPTUM A5 Casebound Soft Cover Notebook Ruled 194 Pages Black CO321 Key Features Classy notebook, ideal for both business and personal use Approx. A5 Flexible cover with classy grooved surface lined, 194 numbered pages (20 perforated sheets) High-quality chamois-coloured paper (PEFC-certified) Features: pen loop, 2 ribbon markers, elastic fastener, 2 insert pockets (one with a card slot), personal directory Your Price: £ 11.73 (£ 14.08 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 54293SG
MPN Code: CO321
The Conceptum notebook is the elegant, modern companion for the office and for private use. The classy designer notebook is anything but ordinary, with an exclusive look and feel, along with a quality and practical features that are bound to impress. Your notes are organised efficiently and always on hand with the stylish lined notebook in approx. A5 format (13,5 x 21 cm) with 194 pages (including 20 perforated pages). Thanks to the flexible softcover, the notebook slides easily into any pocket, and the elastic fastener keeps everything securely in place.
General Type Cover Colour Size Rulings Binding Grammage Pages Cover Closure Marker Ribbon Pen Loop Dimensions Eco-Aware Environment Support