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Exacompta Index A-Z A4 160gsm Card White with Coloured Mylar Tabs - 1111E Key Features Printed 160gsm white card Reinforced colour plastic tabs Printed index page for identifying contents 20 parts, labelled A-Z Your Price: £ 5.75 (£ 6.90 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 20448EX
MPN Code: 1111E
20 Part A4 indices with reinforced plastic coloured tabs. Made from 160gsm white card. Features printed index page for identifying contents. Pre-punched so they can be inserted into most files and folders. FSC® Certified.
General Width Weight Country of Origin Biodegradable Recyclable Environment Support Eco-Aware Dimensions Contents Page Type Orientation Grammage/Thickness Holes Printed Parts Per Set Material Size Colour