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Exacompta Iderama Prem Touch Lever Arch File Paper on Board A4 70mm Spine Width Black (Pack 10) - 53621E Key Features Board cover covered inside and outside with vibrant colour coated paper Metal reinforced finger hole and corners for better durability Prem'Touch mechanism with ergonomic lever- stronger and more comfortable Your Price: £ 36.80 (£ 44.16 inc. VAT) Currently 2 items left in stock
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Order Code: 46789EX
MPN Code: 53621E
Iderama is a range that combines the benefits of genuine glossy card - comfort, ecology and the advantages of plastic - moisture resistant and durability. Made from coloured card in the mass, then covered with a thin plastic film, Iderama products are FSC certified. Offering good value they are suitable for students and professionals alike
General Type Colour Size Material Spine Width Orientation File Colour Capacity Finger Hole Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Environment Support Warranty Country of Origin