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Rhino 13 x 9 A4+ Oversized Exercise Book 40 Page Ruled 8mm Light Blue (Pack 100) - VDU024-160-0 Key Features 13 x 9” (approx. 339 x 240mm) Ruled with 8mm feints Education-standard 75gsm smooth white paper Sturdy and resilient 100% recycled 225gsm manilla cover Help Save the Rhino with our regular donations to the UK charity – over £100,000 since 2006 Market-leading RHINO brand 100% recyclable Printed using solvent-free, water-based inks Paper sourced from sustainable European forests Made in EU Your Price: £ 85.96 (£ 103.15 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 267.44 SAVE: £181.48
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Order Code: 15259VC
MPN Code: VDU024-160-0
These high-quality RHINO A4+ (339 x 240mm) exercise books come with 40 pages that are bigger than A4, so that A4 sheets can be glued inside them. These school exercise books with 8mm feint lines are ideal for making notes. And with the education-standard smooth white paper, you can write on both sides.
General Manufacturer Weight Warranty Type Size Rulings Ruling Description Ruling Colour Paper Grammage Paper Colour No. of Pages Binding Environment Support Eco-Aware Dimensions Cover Material Cover Design/Colour Cover Colour Country of Origin Brand Books or Sheets Book/Sheet Size