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Xerox Premier Paper A5 80gsm (Ream 500) 62321 Key Features Fully compatible with mono and colour laser desktop printers From the market leading brand with a total performance guarantee. Also suitable for high-speed production machines A5 (148mm x 210mm) Size is half the size of A4, suitable for smaller printed documents. It's an 80gsm Paper. A versatile paper suitable for a variety of office applications. For internal and external applications. PEFC accredited, a globally recognised certification of sustainable forest management Your Price: £ 7.10 (£ 8.52 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 15492SP, 79272AN
MPN Code: 62321
Xerox Premier paper is a range of high white papers for the home and office, suitable for inkjet, laser and copying. This paper is PEFC certified and an ideal choice for producing documents where a professional appearance is important
General Dimensions Type Size Paper Colour Manufacturer Grammage For Laser Printers For Inkjet Printers For Copiers Environment Support Eco-Aware Colour Brand