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Nobo 1901973 Electric Projection Screen 2400 x 1800mm Key Features Plug & play electric projection screen 3000mm diagonal viewing area 4:3 widescreen format 2400 x 1800mm (WxH) viewing area Your Price: £ 775.19 (£ 930.23 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 2209.34 SAVE: £1434.15
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 - 5 Days, Dispatched direct from manufacturer
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 16105J
MPN Code: 1901973
Perfect for creating a professional look and feel to your presentation. Ideally suited for use in meeting rooms, board rooms and conference rooms. Simply use the remote control to lower the screen and you are ready to go!
Affordable design is easy to install - simply plug in and use - no professional wiring required. The brilliant matt white surface provides a brilliantly sharp image that can be easily viewed by everyone in the audience.
Nobo 1901973 Electric Projection Screen 2400 x 1800mm brochure