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Leitz Recycle Magazine File A4 Blue - 24765030 Your Price: £ 5.49 (£ 6.59 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 16.20 SAVE: £10.71
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 19284AC
MPN Code: 24765030
Eye-catching, premium quality Magazine File made from min. 90% post consumer recycled plastic suitable for A4. 100% recyclable and with Blue Angel environmental certification. This robust file holder perfectly complements other products from the Leitz Recycle range and is made to last. Modern and contemporary green stationery that will look great at home and in the office. With the eco friendly Recycle range from Leitz you can both improve your office environment – and the environment of our planet.
General Brand Colour Country of Origin Eco-Aware Environment Support Blue Angel, 100% Recyclable
Manufacturer Material Recycled Product 90% Post Consumer Recycled Plastic
Size Type