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Rexel Staples No.23 23/13 (Pack 1000) - 2101053 Key Features High quality heavy duty staples 13mm leg length for stapling up to 90 sheets of paper (80gsm) For use with heavy duty staplers and tackers for trouble free, accurate stapling Suitable for heavy duty stapling tasks Made from high quality steel for excellent results A box of 1000 staples is supplied Your Price: £ 4.14 (£ 4.97 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 11.96 SAVE: £7.82
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 19382AC
MPN Code: 2101053
No. 23/13mm Heavy Duty Staples provide a high quality, reliable solution for all your heavy duty stapling needs. Stapling up to 90 sheets of paper (80gsm), they are ideal for stapling tasks at home, in the office or at school. Designed for use with heavy duty staplers and tackers for accurate, trouble free stapling. Made from high quality steel and supplied in a pack of 1000 staples.
General Brand Country of Origin Heavy Duty Manufacturer Staple Size Type