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Oxford My Notes Notebook A4 Card Cover Wirebound Ruled Margin 100 Pages (Pack 5) 400020193 Key Features Flexible Card Cover Strong wire binding that allows the book to lay flat or fold back to save space when writing notes Premium Optik paper which is thicker, smoother and you can write on both sides of the page Micro-perforated pages allow easy tearing, ensuring a clean edge Punched with 4 holes to allow easy storage in Ring Binders and Lever Arch Files once removed from Notebook Ruled with Margin A4 100 Pages Your Price: £ 17.74 (£ 21.29 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 22.57 SAVE: £4.83
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 19475HB
MPN Code: 400020193
Oxford My Notes combines contemporary design, functionality and Oxford's Optik Paper to create a notebook that will match the passion and pride that you have in your work.
General Type Cover Colour Size Cover Material Rulings Binding Grammage Pages Ruling Description Paper Colour Perforated & Punched