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Black Magic Chocolates Small Box (Pack 174g) - 12553792 Key Features Created using only natural flavours Selection of caramels, wholenuts and fruit creams, wrapped in dark chocolate Your Price: £ 2.81 (£ 3.37 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 11.08 SAVE: £8.27
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Order Code: 20810NE
MPN Code: 12553792
This Nestle Black Magic chocolate selection box contains an array of classic favourites to share or give as a gift. Inside you will find a selection of caramels, nuts and fruit creams covered in delicious dark chocolate. Each small 174g box contains Almond Crunch, Raspberry Heaven, Dreamy Fudge, Whole Hazelnut Praline, Orange Sensation and Caramel Caress.
General Type Chocolate & Confectionery
Manufacturer Brand Food Type Pack Size Pack Type