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Pilot Grey/Black Opaque Polythene Mailing Bags With Self-Adhesive Strip on Lip 432mm x 560mm + 40mm Lip (Pack 500) - PMS432G Your Price: £ 64.94 (£ 77.93 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 195.20 SAVE: £130.26
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 21062HZ
MPN Code: PMS432G
Protect soft goods, like clothing, in the post with strong, lightweight Pilot polythene mailing bags. Unlike standard polythene mailing bags, they’re made from up to 80% recycled polythene, so you can do your bit for the environment too. The opaque plastic keeps your items safe, protects your customers’ privacy and prevents damage from the elements.