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Dettol Multi Purpose Cleaner Spray 1 Litre Citrus - 3007947 Key Features Handy trigger spray No need for heavy scrubbing Fresh lemon and lime fragrance Your Price: £ 2.36 (£ 2.83 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 7.04 SAVE: £4.68
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Order Code: 29854RB
MPN Code: 3007947
Whether it's kitchen, bathroom or bedroom surfaces, Dettol Multi-Purpose Cleaner will tackle the dirt you can see and the germs you can't. Our fast-acting formula is clinically proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria including E. Coli. salmonella, MRSA and the flu virus. What's more this spray has 3x cleaning power on kitchen grease, burnt on food and bathroom dirt. Whatever your needs, this convenient easy to use spray will make short work of disinfecting surfaces, but with lasting results.
General Application Brand Form Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Pack Size Type