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Rexel Choices Matador Half Strip Stapler Metal 25 Sheet Red 2115688 Key Features Rexel Choices - Perfectly co-ordinated Premium half strip stapler Robust die cast metal design Enhanced anti-jam mechanism and built in staple remover Temporary pinning or tacking function Uses 105 staples No.56 staples or 84 staples No.16 Throat depth: 49 mm Your Price: £ 19.30 (£ 23.16 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 30237AC
MPN Code: 2115688
Premium, lightweight metal stapler with a comfortable grip making it ideal for everyday use. Designed to staple up to 25 sheets of paper, it has an anti-jam mechanism which ensures perfect results every time. Compatible with No. 56 (26/6) and No. 16 (24/6) staples with an easy top loading refill mechanism. Co-ordinate your workspace while maximising productivity with the full Rexel Choices range.
General Type Colour Material Form Capacity Use Staples Dimensions