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Magiboards Blue Felt Lockable Noticeboard Display Case Portrait 600x900mm - GF1AB2PBLU Key Features Best value felt fabric All noticeboard fixings and instructions for wall fixing Your Price: £ 90.11 (£ 108.13 inc. VAT) Currently 1 item left in stock
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Order Code: 32082MA
We supply the Best Buy lockable felt pinboard range with our own packaging which is the same as the Colour Choice Premium noticeboard range. all sizes above 90e—60 cm are supplied with two sets of locks and keys. The 90 x 60 cm has one lock and key. The display cabinets are light and easy to use. Only the most secure materials are used: The see through doors are made of APET which is shatterproof and offers excellent visibility. This material is commonly used in bus shelters and riot shields.
General Type Colour Fixing Board Surface Frame Lockable Designed For Dimensions