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Logitech C922 Pro HD Stream Webcam Key Features Full high-def 1080p streaming HD 720p at 60fps streaming HD autofocus and light correction Full stereophonics - fitted with two microphones, one either side of the camera All-in-one content creation with Logitech Capture Your Price: £ 93.45 (£ 112.14 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8LO960001088
MPN Code: 960-001088
Serious streaming webcam with hyper-fast HD 720p at 60fps. Connect with superior clarity every time you go live on channels like Twitch and YouTube. Stream anything you want in your choice of Full 1080p at 30fps or hyperfast HD 720p at 60fps. Broadcast masterfully with reliable no-drop audio, autofocus, and a 78-degree field of view.
General Type Colour High Definition Connection Built In Microphone Cable Length Dimensions with Clip Dimensions Weight 162g (with clip and cable) 162g
Warranty 2 Year Limited Hardware Warranty
Dimensions (WxDxH)
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