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Dynamic Air Back-to-Back Desk Divider Screen W1200 x H800mm Grey Fabric - HA03068 Key Features For use with Air Back-to-Back Desk Only 1200 wide 800 high Acoustic qualities absorb ambient sound Provides privacy Develops personal zone at desk environment Attractive grey fabric weave Easy to fit Full fabric upholstery Pinnable surface Your Price: £ 107.16 (£ 128.59 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 343.24 SAVE: £236.08
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Order Code: 39990DY
MPN Code: HA03068
With our Sit-Stand desk accessories, there's no need to compromise between a desk that offers ergonomics and functionality - you can have it all! The Air divider screen is designed to subtly create privacy and help reduce sound reverberation in open spaces.
General Material Width Weight Warranty Type Style Size Self Assembly Screen Colour Brand Manufacturer Height Frame Colour For Use With Dimensions Depth Country of Origin Colour