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Nautilus Designs Tahara Stackable Conference/Visitor Chair With Arms Blue Vinyl Padded Seat & Backrest and Beech Frame - DPA2050/A/BEBLV Key Features Arms - integrated Low back Stackable - 5 high Up to 5 hours recommended use 110kg weight capacity Your Price: £ 89.88 (£ 107.86 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 259.92 SAVE: £170.04
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Order Code: 41761NA
Our traditional beech framed stackable armchair is solid and dependable. It features a contoured wipe clean vinyl upholstered seat with waterfall front, a quality beech laminate frame with integral arm supports for increased aesthetics and durability and stacks up to 4 high for space efficient storage, making it ideal for conference rooms, assembly halls and breakout areas.
General Brand Chair Colour Colour Frame Frame Colour Leg Type Manufacturer Material Recommended Weight Limit Seat Height Style Type Warranty Weight With Arms