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Stickn Magic Sticky Notes 76x76mm 100 Sheets Neon Colours (Pack 12) 21571 Key Features Magic Pad 76x76mm, 100 sheet per pad. Innovative design allows you to choose the colour you want. 4 neon colours in one pad. No need for 4 pads - One for All, All in One! Most popular size. Your Price: £ 6.15 (£ 7.38 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 17.73 SAVE: £11.58
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 42242HP
MPN Code: 21571
Stick'n offers a variety of innovative self-adhesive and repositionable products. We develop our commitment to the slogan, "Sticking Close to You", which reflects the essence of our brand promise: - to provide creative products that can change how we live our lives and the way we communicate. Magic note is Stick'n patent design - one for all, all in one. This product brings the joys of having 4 colours in one pad and selecting the colour you wish, without breaking the pad. It's convenient for colour coding notes and messages.
General Type Colour Size Pad Form Rulings Pages Paper Colour Dimensions