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Bi-Office Magnetic Whiteboard Smart Accessory Box Grey - SM010102 Key Features A unique and clever accessory for any lacquered steel drywipe board, Keep all your board accessories in one neat and tidy place Hold tight to any magnetic surface for ease of access This functional accessory lets you present in style Size: 23 x 10 x 4 cm Your Price: £ 6.49 (£ 7.79 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 48098BS
MPN Code: SM010102
Need somewhere to put your markers and erasers? This Bi-Office Magnetic Smart box stores all kinds of wipe board accessories, pens, erasers, cleaners etc. This simple accessory is the ideal storage solution for you. Not only do the spacious compartments help you keep organised and neat, its powerful magnetic properties hold tight to any magnetic whiteboard.
General Type Drywipe Board Accessories
Colour Accessory Type For Use With Dimensions Weight Warranty