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TOTM Organic Cotton Non-Applicator Tampon Super+ (Pack 15) - 0606009 Key Features Made with organic cotton Designed to reduce waste Chlorine bleach free No fragrance or dyes Rayon free Hypoallergenic Your Price: £ 4.19 (£ 5.03 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 12.56 SAVE: £8.37
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 48516CP
MPN Code: 0606009
Our 100% certified organic cotton applicator tampons are naturally absorbent and comfortable. For every applicator tampon sold, together withâ Plastic Bank®, we will recover the equivalent weight in ocean plastic.
General Absorbency Applicator Brand Colour Eco-Aware Environment Support ICEA Certified Eco Bio Cosmetics
Form Manufacturer Material Size Type