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Dynamic Eclipse Plus III Medium Mesh Back Task Operator Office Chair Bespoke Tansy Purple Seat With Height Adjustable Arms - KCUP1779 Key Features Breathable, height adjustable mesh backrest Triple lever mechanism for seat height, seat and backrest tilt adjustment ANSI/BIFMAX 5.1-2017 Strength and Endurance tested PCB: Permanent contact backrest feature Optional armrest choices Your Price: £ 232.53 (£ 279.04 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 709.12 SAVE: £476.59
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 52387DY
MPN Code: KCUP1779
The Eclipse 3 is a fully comprehensive operator chair that provides functionality and comfort. The well equipped mechanism provides independent seat and backrest angle adjustment that can be locked in any position. Perfect for the all day operator requirement.
General Recommended Usage Back Colour Seat Colour Seat Depth Seat Width Back Width Back Type Self Assembly Country of Origin Warranty 3 Year Mechanical/1 Year Fabric Warranty
Weight Dimensions Chair Colour Type Recommended Weight Limit Standards Back Height Back/Seat Action Independent Seat and Back Movement
With Arms Height Adjustable and Folding Arms
Seat Height Style Material Colour Brand Manufacturer