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Kensington EQ MY630 Rechargeable Ergonomic Wireless Mouse - K72482WW Key Features Full-size vertical design supports all-day comfort and productivity Includes 55% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content of total plastic components.****Excludes PCB assembly, rechargeable battery and charging cable Connect up to three active devices via Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) and included 2.4GHz USB-A receiver Up to 4 months of battery life when connected via Bluetooth®****Battery life varies by use case Includes 5-button navigation, silent switches and DPI control button Plug & plan or personalise with KensingtonWorks™ 2.4GHz USB-A receiver provides 128-bit AES government-grade encryption security 3-year limited warranty Your Price: £ 47.55 (£ 57.06 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 139.96 SAVE: £92.41
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Order Code: 52583AC
MPN Code: K72482WW
Professionals today struggle with the physical strain and fatigue caused by prolonged computer use. Traditional mice, with their flat one-size-fits-all design, often force the wrist into an unnatural position, leading to discomfort and hampered productivity. Organisations are increasingly seeking more sustainable solutions to address their growing environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities. The Pro Fitâ„¢ Ergo MY630 EQ Rechargeable Mouse is a full-size vertical mouse that promotes exceptional ergonomic comfort. Including 55% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content of total plastic components*, the MY630 empowers professionals to work smarter and more comfortably.
General Operating System Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS
Country of Origin Warranty Recycled Product Minimum 55% Recycled Material
Eco-Aware Weight Dimensions Left or Right Hand Use Battery Type Scroll Wheel Tracking Buttons Connection Bluetooth/Nano USB Receiver
Wired/Wireless Colour Brand Manufacturer