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Plus By Pentel School Scissors Display Pack Ergonomic Handle Stainless Steel 145mm Assorted Colours (Pack 24) 34567 Key Features Specially designed for Children Display case of 24 scissors Three bright colours Navy Blue, Red and Green Rounded safety tip Ergonomic handle for correct gripping Blade 52mm - length 145mm Your Price: £ 28.59 (£ 34.31 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 85.08 SAVE: £56.49
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Order Code: 53941PE
MPN Code: 34567
Plus by Pentel - School scissors Use the gauge to accurately position two holes that will allow you to insert documents into a A4-sized file. This can be stored in the main body when not in use.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Material Use Scissor Size Right / Left Handed Grip Blade Scissor Colours Country of Origin