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Logitech TV MeetUp XL Mount For Screens Up to 90 Inches Key Features Unique design allows MeetUp to be mounted above or below a monitor The TV Mount for MeetUp features a swing arm design and multiple mounting holes to fit almost any flat-panel monitor Your Price: £ 115.30 (£ 138.36 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8LO939001656
MPN Code: 939-001656
The Logitech TV Mount XL secures the Logitech MeetUp ConferenceCam to flat panel displays up to 90''. It attaches directly to the VESA mounting points available on most TVs and monitors. One of the great features of its V-shape design is that it's capable of mounting the MeetUp either above or below the display, simply by attaching to the display the standard way or upside down.