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Beeswift Clear Goggle Indirect Vent Anti- Scratch Anti-Mist (Pack 1) - BBSG604 Key Features Polycarbonate lens PVC frame Comfortable Lightweight Indirect vents CAT II Conform to EN166: Optical Class:1 BT - (Medium impact energy at extreme temperatures) 2C-1.2 - UV Filter These goggles are treated with Crystal Coat (TM) Your Price: £ 1.05 (£ 1.26 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 3.44 SAVE: £2.39
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 55747BE
MPN Code: BBSG604
Polycarbonate lens, PVC frame. Comfortable. Lightweight. Indirect vents. CAT II, Conform to EN166:, Optical Class:1, BT - (Medium impact energy at extreme temperatures), 2C-1.2 - UV Filter These goggles are treated with Crystal Coat (TM), C-380M is a polysiloxane based thermal cure hardcoat that combines anti-fog performance with abrasion and chemical resistance.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Lens Material Lens Colour Standards EN166: Optical Class:1 / BT / 2C-1.2
Form Abrasion & Chemical Resistance Anti-Fog Frame Colour Weight