Lexmark Drum Unit 150K pages - 58D0Z00

Lexmark Drum Unit 150K pages - 58D0Z00
  • Your Price: £68.81 (£82.57 inc. VAT)
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Order Code: LE58D0Z00

MPN Code: 58D0Z00

    Lexmark Return Programme Imaging Units are patented devices that are sold at a special price subject to the restriction that the imaging unit may be used only once. Following the initial use, the customer agrees to return the imaging unit only to Lexmark for remanufacture and/or recycling. The Return Programme imaging units are designed to stop working once they reach their respective rated life (as established by Lexmark). If the customer does not accept these terms, replacement imaging units sold without these terms are available at www.lexmark.com.

  • General

    Printer Imaging Units
    Imaging Unit
    Compatible Or Original