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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 1ft Slim 3.5mm Stereo Audio Black Cable Key Features Moulded connectors with strain relief Slimline connector moulding designed for use with portable devices Gold plated connectors Your Price: £ 3.86 (£ 4.63 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8ST10012054
This 1-foot 3.5mm Slim Stereo Audio Cable is the perfect solution for portable audio devices (iPod®, iPhone®, MP3 Players), featuring a slim connector moulding that fits easily into a 3.5mm headphone jack, even if the iPod/iPhone/MP3 player is in a protective case.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Connection 1 Connection 2 Cable Length Weight Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty