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Kensington 59101 Double Channel Cable Bridge Key Features Flexible cable protector ideal solution for loose dangerous cables 1.5m length Your Price: £ 29.58 (£ 35.50 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 70.40 SAVE: £40.82
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Order Code: 24218J, 24875AC
MPN Code: 59101
Loose cables can be a trip hazard. Tidy them away in the unobtrusive 1.5m Double Channel Cable Bridge. The wide 10mm double channel inside the rubber cover lets you secure a number of power or network cables against the floor cleanly and prevent unpleasant accidents. The non-slip tapered profile lets office chairs or wheeled furniture roll evenly and smoothly straight over it.
* Minimum quantities may apply, please check before ordering.
Kensington 59101 Double Channel Cable Bridge brochure