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Swift Cantilever BR000226 Key Features Curved soft mesh back Generously sized Lightweight chrome frame Stackable up to 2 high Your Price: £ 162.76 (£ 195.31 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 230.00 SAVE: £67.24
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Order Code: 60575DY
MPN Code: BR000226
With generously proportioned seats, stunning looks and the inclusion of a comfortable, curved mesh back, the Swift family of chairs will keep your guests coming back for more. Stackable, lightweight and available in both a cantilever frame and 4 leg visitor frame version, the Swift will give your space the lift it needs.
General Type Colour Material Style Seat Height With Arms Frame Leg Type Recommended Weight Limit Chair Colour Warranty Country of Origin Seat Width Seat Depth Stackable