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Advocate Visitor Chair Black Soft Bonded Leather With Arms BR000206 Key Features Tri panelled back Soft touch bonded leather Chrome arms and base assembly Leather arm sleeves Generously proportioned back and seat Tilt and lock mechanism Your Price: £ 228.99 (£ 274.79 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 366.00 SAVE: £137.01
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Order Code: 60771DY
MPN Code: BR000206
They say the best things come in threes, so it is no wonder the Advocate is a popular choice among many. Benefitting from a padded, tri-panelled backrest, and a chrome arm embellished with leather sleeves, this visitor chair with its matching chrome base really is an Advocate for design and comfort.
General Recommended Weight Limit Self Assembly Back Width Back Height Seat Depth Seat Width Warranty Weight Dimensions Type Leg Type Frame With Arms Seat Height Style Material Colour