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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 6 Inch SATA to LP4 Female to Male Power Cable Adapter Key Features Compatible with all IDE hard drives SATA to dual LP4 Your Price: £ 3.44 (£ 4.13 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8ST10011329
The LP4SATAFM2L SATA to LP4 Power Cable, lets you power an IDE (LP4-connected) drive using a SATA power connector from the computer power supply. The adapter features two additional LP4 power connectors, offering the versatility to connect two additional (LP4 connected) drives (CD/DVD-ROM, HDD, etc.) using the same single connection to the computer power supply. This high quality LP4/SATA power adapter cable is expertly designed for durability, and is backed by's Lifetime Warranty.
General Brand Cable Length Connector Type SATA Power Plug to LP4 (Female)
Form Manufacturer Type Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty