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Guildhall Headliner Account Book Casebound 298x203mm 12 Cash Columns 80 Pages Red - 38/12Z Key Features Casebound hardback burgundy vinyl cover to meet the most demanding professional standards Cut away pages means the column headings only need to be written once and will remain visible throughout the book Precision ruled on 95gsm ledger quality paper to ensure that both sides can be written on in ink Traditionally sewn to ensure that the pages lay completely flat making it easier to write entries Tamper proof as the pages are sewn in sections making it impossible to remove a page without destroying the integrity of the binding 12 cash columns across 2 pages Your Price: £ 21.83 (£ 26.20 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 66154EX
MPN Code: 38/12Z
Ideal for accounts with the same headings on every page, this 80 page book has cutaway pages enabling to write out your headings once and have them show through on every page. This improves clarity and prevents errors in hand written accounts as the heading need only be written out once. Made from 95gsm ledger quality paper. The book is bound in a durable vinyl burgundy cover and has a sewn binding to prevent pages being removed.
General Type Cover Colour Size Rulings Pages Binding Grammage Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Recycled Product Recyclable Biodegradable Country of Origin