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Bi-Office Wall Projection Screen 2440x2440mm Black Border White Housing - 9D006011 Key Features Economical solution in square format Ideal for all front projector applications Matt white projection surface Provides superior reflectivity and a flat surface Powder coated white steel case Can be wall or ceiling mounted Available in a range of sizes to suit your application Your Price: £ 270.75 (£ 324.90 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 316.78 SAVE: £46.03
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Order Code: 73095BS
MPN Code: 9D006011
The Bi-Office Wall Projection Screen is a wall or ceiling mount projection screen to install in spaces where projection is required, such as schools, offices, meeting rooms, training centres, and many more. The cloth is matte white and provides a superior reflective surface without reflection.
General Type Wall/Ceiling Mounted Screens
Screen Size Electric Or Manual Dimensions Weight Warranty