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Bi-Office Mobile Glass Divider Screen with Aluminium Frame 1200x1500mm Clear - DSP123046 Key Features Tempered glass for increased safety Sturdy and durable aluminium structure Easily moved to different areas or spaces Writable surface to display notes and ideas Use adhesive document holders to maximize the panel area Easy to clean and disinfect Your Price: £ 507.61 (£ 609.13 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 560.00
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 73361BS
MPN Code: DSP123046
Introducing the Self-Standing Mobile Glass Panel Divider, the cutting-edge solution to redefine and enhance space versatility across diverse settings. This innovative product offers a sleek and modern design, seamlessly integrating into various environments, making it an ideal choice for hospitality, government offices, service centres, public areas, companies, schools, and study spaces. This product has glass panel integrated in a sturdy aluminium structure and has easy glide castors to give full mobility.
General Type Colour Material Form Dimensions Weight Warranty