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Bi-Office Desk Protective Divider Screen Glass 650x850mm Clear DSP693041 Key Features Tempered glass for increased safety Sturdy, durable and stable aluminium structure Easily adapted to any environment Cut out on the bottom with 200 mm to allow direct interaction No installation required. Writable surface to display notes and ideas Easy to clean and disinfect Your Price: £ 125.11 (£ 150.13 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 154.40 SAVE: £29.29
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 73760BS
MPN Code: DSP693041
The MasterVision Separation Screen with a glass panel is the perfect solution for creating functional and stylish partitions in any space. Crafted with precision and designed for versatility, these panels offer a contemporary way to define work areas, enhance privacy, and add a touch of modern sophistication to your workspace. This separation screen has a glass panel integrated into a sturdy and stable aluminium structure.
General Type Colour Material Form Dimensions Weight Warranty