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Computer Craft Certificate Paper with Foil Seals A4 90gsm Reflex Red (Pack 30) - CCC2010 Key Features A4 certificate paper with attractive border Can be used Portrait or Landscape Supplied with self-adhesive foil seals that can be personalised with Inkjet Printers 90gsm weight paper Pack of 30 Certificates Laser, Inkjet and Copier Compatible Your Price: £ 6.66 (£ 7.99 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 75247PL
MPN Code: CCC2010
Great value papers that are ideal for schools, colleges, business and social organisations. Can be used portrait or landscape. Supplied with self-adhesive foil seals that can be personalised with inkjet printers. Size: A4. 90gsm. 30 sheets. Reflex Red.
General Type Colour Size Paper Type Grammage For Inkjet Printers Paper Colour Security Dimensions