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Kyocera PF471 2x 500 Sheet Paper Drawer Key Features 1000 Sheet Paper Drawer Media Sizes: A3, A4, A5, B5, Letter, Legal, Custom (98x148mm - 297x432mm) Your Price: £ 656.18 (£ 787.42 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8KY1203NN3NL0
MPN Code: 1203NN3NL0
If you’re sick of reloading the printer endless times during the day, it may be time to invest in a larger input or feeder tray. The PF-471 1000 Sheet Paper Feeder (1203NN3NL0) from Kyocera can massively increase the holding capacity of your printer and ensure that it is capable of accommodating those massive print jobs without requiring quite so many reloads.
General Type Colour Form For Use With Kyocera FS-6525MFP, FS-C8525MFP, FS-6530MFP, FS-C8520MFP, FS-C8525MFP, ECOSYS M4125idn, M4132idn, M8142cidn, M8130cidn