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LaCie 5TB USB-C Mobile External Hard Disk Drive Key Features Works with PC, Mac, and iPad USB-C out of the box Back up files with a single click or schedule automatic backups Drive case and packaging is constructed using post-consumer recycled aluminium, plastic, and packing materials Features a sleek and portable design by Neil Poulton Enjoy long-term peace of mind with the included three-year limited warranty and three-year Rescue Data Recovery Services Grab fast USB-C 130MB/s file transfers, backups, and image browsing Your Price: £ 155.59 (£ 186.71 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 181.61 SAVE: £26.02
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Order Code: 8LASTLP5000400
MPN Code: STLP5000400
Featuring a minimalist design with clean, laser etching—each Mobile Drive’s case and packaging is constructed using post-consumer recycled materials. Works with PC, Mac®, and iPad USB-C1, simply plug-in and go. One-click or automatic backup makes file storage extra smooth, plus 5TB of capacity makes plenty of room for photos, playlists, docs, and more.