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Logitech G435 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Headset with Built In Dual Beamforming Microphones Key Features Lightspeed and Bluetooth connectivity Lightweight and comfortable Plastic parts include a minimum of 22% certified post-consumer recycled plastic by weight Certified Carbon Neutral Paper packaging comes from FSCÂŽ-certified forests Your Price: £ 69.80 (£ 83.76 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 79.20
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8LO981001050
MPN Code: 981-001050
Play games, play music, and play with friends. G435 Gaming Headset connects to your PC, phone and other devices through gaming-grade LIGHTSPEED wireless and Bluetooth. It delivers powerful and clean sound while beamforming mics reduce background noise. It’s also made with a minimum 22% post-consumer recycled plastic. Play never ends with G435.