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Philips 55BDL3452T 55 Inch Touchscreen 4K Ultra HD IPS Panel HDMI VGA DVI Android 8.0 Large Format Display Key Features 55 Inch Display 1300:1 Contrast Ratio 2 HDMI ports Landscape and Portrait orientation 3840x2160 Resolution 16:9 Aspect Ratio 2x 10w Built-in speakers Your Price: £ 1583.98 (£ 1900.78 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1778.98
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Order Code: 8PH55BDL3452T
MPN Code: 55BDL3452T/00
Engage them Inspire collaboration. Deliver information. This responsive Philips Multi-Touch Professional UHD Display is ideal for multi-finger, multi-user applications-from wayfinding to presentations. Up to 20 touch points can be active at once.